Where My Moms At ? w/ Christina P.
Christina P. is a comedian and exhausted mother of two young boys. WMMA explores all thing parenting - from colossal mom fails to the quiet rage you feel when your toddler won't nap. Emails, voicemails and video submissions are welcome! wheremymomsat.com WhereMyMomsAt@gmail.com (213) 375-5184

A topic I seldom discuss - happiness! I came back from my vacation and had so many epiphanies about the nature of joy and why we may be afraid to feel it. Also, some deep ass emails from listeners - a girl is in a class with her rapist. What should she do? A woman wonders how she will ever trust men again. A 24 year old used to be an 8 and is now a 5 and is bummed about it. Does that make her shallow? Mommy P goes off the deep end philosophically, tangentially on this one! You won't wanna miss. 

Direct download: 135tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST