Where My Moms At ? w/ Christina P.
Christina P. is a comedian and exhausted mother of two young boys. WMMA explores all thing parenting - from colossal mom fails to the quiet rage you feel when your toddler won't nap. Emails, voicemails and video submissions are welcome! wheremymomsat.com WhereMyMomsAt@gmail.com (213) 375-5184

This episode I talk to the love of my life, comedian and husband Tom Segura. We usually talk about farts while podcasting, so this is a little bit weird. We discuss the idea of the Other and whether or not you can really know another person. I mean, I think I know Tom, but he really enjoys shows about murder...We explore Martin Buber's idea of I-Thou vs I-It relationships. What does it mean to really love someone? Does it mean you love them even when you don't feel like it? Sometimes...You'll just have to listen to find out. 

Direct download: TOMTDB.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 5:02pm PST

I don't know anyone who openly admits to loving the Kardashians. If everyone hates them, who in the hell is watching all their shows? In this episode we discuss fame and celebrity. Who deserves to be celebrated? Why do we hate certain celebrities? Is it possible that famous people serve a function in society other than just annoying the hell out of us? Why can't I stop watching (and being on) reality shows? My buddy Nick Youssef and I get into all of it. 

Direct download: fame.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Love is the driving force of the universe and its also a foul demon who will ruin your life and leave you penniless, crazy and angry. With my beloved friend Sarah Tiana, we cover the different forms of love but ultimately the one that messes up people's lives - romantic love. If you've ever had your heart broken this episode is for you. Grab some tissues and watch "Under the Tuscan Sun", we are getting deep on love, bro.

Direct download: SARAHTIANAFINAL.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode didn't need a topic, it just needed Duncan Trussell. Professional mind-blower and joke teller, Duncan and I discuss everything. Is God a loving, benevolent force or an evil deceiver? Does evil even exist? Are there boundaries between people or are we essentially the same being? Do we have a soul? What about a self and a Self? Who the hell is Neem Karoli Baba and is how is he related to Adam Corrolla? Strap yourself into your spaceship, because we are about to blast off into the outer limits of space and time! 

Direct download: DUNCANTDB.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 8:11pm PST

What is consciousness and can we access parts of our minds that we normally can't with the use of psychedelics? This episode we discuss the 1960's Harvard Psychologists Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert (Ram Dass) and their use of LSD to explore the mind. What is thought in the first place? Can we even know how we know? If I drop too much acid will I go insane and be convinced I'm an orange? My guest has done LSD about 50 times and can provide us some insight into the psychedelic world. She prefers to remain nameless and thus gainfully employed.

Direct download: TDBFINAL.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Greg Fitzsimmons and I explore the topic of happiness. Is happiness the best goal to have all the time? Probably not. What about money? Will that make you happy? I say yes, Greg says no. Are poor people happier than rich people? Do accomplishments make you happy? What’s up with the Germans? Why are they such philosophical bummers? All this and more on this episode of That’s Deep Bro.

Direct download: Deep_Greg.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 11:58am PST

By far one of my favorite topics in philosophy, the absurd. You know that whole "What's the point? What the f$%k am I doing all this for?" feeling. I'm sure Camus wouldn't define it that way, but that's absurdity. Matt Fulchiron and I get deep on feelings of the absurd, with some sprinkling of Existentialism. Where does one find meaning in a seemingly meaningless world? Ahhhh the French get deep like no other.


Find Matt Fulchiron on Twitter: @theFullcharge

Direct download: Deep_Bro_Full_Charge.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 11:39am PST

In this episode Ryan Sickler and I discuss the topic of change. What is it and why does it suck so bad? How does one best deal with change? Ryan was in the midst of some major life events at the time of this recording - his first marriage and expecting his first child. Staring down the barrel of some major life changes, Ryan and I figure out the best way to deal with it all. It may involve smoking a lot of weed and drinking copious amounts of wine. Why white knuckle life? Let's get deep on it, bro. 

Direct download: Sickler_DEEP_BRO.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

In this episode, my mystery guest and I discuss the topic of pornography. My guest, who prefers to remain anonymous, edited porn for 5 years and now that he’s out of the biz has some great stories to tell. From the smells to the squirts, he shares it all. We discuss the philosophical aspects of porn, namely degradation vs. liberation, the rise and acceptance of raunch culture and why we secretly hate porn stars. Now that porn is more accessible than ever, is it necessarily a good thing and why do I feel profound shame after watching it? Maybe that’s just my problem…enjoy this episode. 


Books referenced are : Female Chauvinist Pigs by Ariel Levy, He’s a Stud, She’s a Slut by Jessica Valente


Direct download: Deep_Bro_Porn.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This isn't your mother's podcast. The first episode of That's Deep, Bro covers some ideas found in Buddhism like non-attachment, suffering and what it means to be happy. With my guest Jenny Pentland, we explore the idea of why as humans we are never really happy from external things and how we can achieve a sense of well being in a world that is always changing. And Jenny knows a little sumpin' sumpin' about change. The daughter of legendary comedian Roseanne Barr, Jenny has lived thru many changes and bizarro experiences that would break anyone's spirit. Thankfully, Jenny has a fantastic perspective on life and graciously shares it with us. Have you ever found out your parents were getting a divorce from reading the tabloids? Ever had Tom Arnold as a stepdad or spent 5 years in various mental institutions? Jenny has and surprisingly has hilarious stories about all of it. You'll laugh, you'll cry (we did a few times, no really) and at the end you'll say "woah, that's deep, bro."

Direct download: jennyepisodeediteduploadthis.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 5:36pm PST