Where My Moms At ? w/ Christina P.
Christina P. is a comedian and exhausted mother of two young boys. WMMA explores all thing parenting - from colossal mom fails to the quiet rage you feel when your toddler won't nap. Emails, voicemails and video submissions are welcome! wheremymomsat.com WhereMyMomsAt@gmail.com (213) 375-5184

This episode I sneak off to record as my in-laws visit. How do we know if we are upset about something that happened today vs something that happened ages ago? Something tells me staying up all night obsessing over it is an indicator...We saw a lady with enormous hangers at dinner. Should she wear a bra????? Am I a sexist pig for demanding it? I answer emails - how do you know you've found the right therapist? How does one deal with anxiety? Should I send my kid to Catholic School even though I'm not Catholic? All this and more, GET YOUR LIFE!

Direct download: 124part2final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This week I reflect on Paul Gilmartin's podcast, Mental Illness Happy Hour Episode 330. He has a therapist on and they discuss co-dependency and the importance of feelings. How do parents mess you up by not letting you have feelings? You're about to find out! Also how do you learn to have feelings after you've spent years accommodating others? Could this be the importance of therapy? How we see reality thru our own perception goggles and living in the past vs now.  I answer emails from a woman who wonders if she has to teach her kid to swim even though he's terrified of water. A woman is in a sexless relationship. Jena calls in and we discuss her Mormon upbringing and how she escaped! 

Direct download: 132tdbfinal.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This week during a romantic getaway with the husband, I had a pretty mind-blowing epiphany. I discuss why the idea of  closure is total 1980's bullshit psychology. Why the show Better Call Saul is really about embracing your inner piece of shit. Each week I get countless emails from Millennials who struggle with inter-personal communication. It's no wonder why - your parents have raised you to be terrified of everything.  You've been over-parented into feeling hopeless about making friends. This episode I'll teach you how to talk to strangers. Also, I discuss my own emetephobia (fear of vomiting). This episode has so much deepness, I could barf! J/K NEVER!!

Direct download: 122tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

How is Rick Ross tied to Marxism? You're about to find out! Also self care. It's a phrase my therapist has used over the years and in this episode I let you in on what I think it means. An emailer writes in about a potential stalker, how should she dump him? Also how does an attractive 23 year-old girl find a date when dudes don't approach her in public? A woman emails  asking if her boyfriend is being a controlling jerk (answer: yes). I reiterate the ways you know you have a toxic parent and in this episode we find out how to deal with them.

Direct download: tdb121.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Poor in friends, ladies and money....The isolation of cars and social media.  How the hell do people date in this era of dating apps? How do Millennials make friends? Update from my Next Door App - what are my neighbors concerned with this week? Has to do with a homeless man and his "undercarriage" living behind the bank. My history with seeing homeless men's penises in public. The heartbreak of a broken iPhone screen and the horrors of the Apple store. A young gentleman writes in asking why he gets "friend zoned" with the ladies. Also, "why do people love free stuff so much?" asks another guy. Poverty consciousness and getting over that shit so you can have a great life. 

Direct download: tdb120.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST