Where My Moms At ? w/ Christina P.
Christina P. is a comedian and exhausted mother of two young boys. WMMA explores all thing parenting - from colossal mom fails to the quiet rage you feel when your toddler won't nap. Emails, voicemails and video submissions are welcome! wheremymomsat.com WhereMyMomsAt@gmail.com (213) 375-5184

In this last episode before I go on Maternity leave, I discuss what I've learned from the East and the West in terms of self help. Also a woman writes in feeling guilty she doesn't love being with her mom on Mother's Day. A girl wants to know how to maintain a relationship with her Bi-Polar father. Another woman wants to know if having children will ruin her great marriage. All this and more. Let's get deep, bros! 

Direct download: TDBMAY13.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode I talk about being brave vs just going and getting your life already! I answer some emails - a new mother writes in with full swing Postpartum Depression. What can she do?? A girl writes in about still having feelings for her cheating ex. A woman wants to try stand up comedy but her husband is scared for her. All this and more this week! Enjoy it, bros. 

Direct download: tdb168.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 2:13pm PST

The lunacy of posting workout videos. The myth of forgiveness and "letting go". I answer emails! Can a listener who never had a great relationship with her mom have a great relationship now? Can a guy who's about to have a baby possibly pursue a stand up career? A girl wonders how long she has to remain empathetic towards her depressed, non-medicated sister. So much to get deep on, bros. Let's get our lives!!

Direct download: tdb167final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 7:36pm PST

This ep I get super deep on why I tapped out of the movie "This is 40", low frequency dwellers and the joys of turning in all your coins to the coinstar machine! Ahhhh, the simple things. Is that all there is? Totally, BTW. Also, emails!  A mom feels guilty tapping out of breastfeeding at 5 months. What should she do? A lady finds out a horrific family secret and is gaslighted for exposing her family. So much to get our lives on let's do it, bros!

Direct download: tdb166.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode has so much deepness. I talk about making your side hustle your primary gig. How does one do that? Also, Walt Disney (Anti-Semite and Misogynist) is rolling in his grave looking at this cheap animation they call Mickey Mouse cartoons these days. A boy writes in asking how to get the courage up to ask a girl out. A young lady has a guy playing mind games with her and a woman writes in asking how to deal with the guilt of going no contact. So much, let's get our lives!

Direct download: april9tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode I get deep on doing the stuff you like and why it's important. Also I answer emails from listeners. A young man wants to know what it's really like having kids. A young woman writes in full of guilt over cheating with a married man ages ago. What can she do to resolve that guilt? A woman who has lived alone with her golden retriever is about to move in with her BF. BUT she's really neat and he's not. What should she do? All this and more in this week's episode. Let's get our lives, bros!

Direct download: ep_165tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 3:37pm PST

ohhh bros super deep this week as I recap my love of the show "Versailles" and "Beach Body" where people go to Thailand for plastic surgery. Discount surgery is the best! A woman writes in wishing she had her pre-baby body back. What should she do? There's always Thailand...A 22 year-old Midwestern mom has crippling anxiety and is no fun. What can she do? A young woman debates whether or not to speak to her 16 year-old sister about their Grandfather's suicide. So much to get into. Let's get our entire lives in this ep, bros! 

Direct download: tdbmarch26.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode has it all! A young Philosophy student asks if he should quit comedy at 19. He keeps bombing.  When do you know when it's time to quit? Also, isn't thinking you're awesome the way to achieve stuff? Yes and no. I'll explain more in terms of the movie "The Shape of Water". Really wish they would've shown HOW they do it...Anyways, A young mother writes in asking how to travel or not to travel with her babies. A young lady wants to know if she should reach out to a grieving co-worker. So much, bros. Let's get our lives and get deeeeep on all of it. 


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Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Oh my meows, so much deepness today! Mommy P delves into the world of feelings. My least favorite place but necessary - like diarrhea or vomiting sometimes. Also, a young man worries he's using work to avoid dating. A 27 year-old girl wonders how to start her life after so much drama. A young gay man wonders how he can get his life if his boyfriend refuses to get HIS! So much let's get deep, bros!


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Direct download: spotifytdb161.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Oh Bros, so much to get deep on today. I discuss the stupidity of the song "Smile" by Nat King Cole (although he's majorly talented). An emailer writes in asking if she should skip her Cousin's wedding bc her horrible mom will be there. A young lady writes in panicked about graduating college soon! A young Dutch man is still thinking of his ex. So much to get our lives on, let's get deep, bro! 



Direct download: 160tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode is all about what you deserve. Is it a little or a lot? Do you think you're not entitled to good stuff? Also, I'm thinking about buying a castle You selling? I answer emails - a girl wants to know if she should get back together with her ex who impregnated his ex while they were together. Hell yes! Right? Right? A young man writes a heart breaking letter to his mother and her response is shocking. Is there a good time to break off a friendship? Let's get our lives and get super deep on all of it, bros! 

Direct download: tdb159.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 10:26am PST

This week I get deep on Cholo Goth. Two great tastes that taste great together. Also what can be learned from an Olympic nip slip? I take emails - a girl is afraid of becoming just like her BPD Narc mom. Is she doomed to repeat the sins of her mother? A young depressed man feels like a freak and wonders how he is going to get his life started. A lady is chronically late and it's ruining her life. What can she do? All this and more on this week's ep!




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Direct download: tdb158.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 10:36am PST

This week I get deep on an episode of "This is Us" as well as French philosopher Merleau Ponty.  What is the level of obligation one has to family? What does it mean to say "perception is reality"? Also, I read some emails. A 41 year-old woman is worried she has too much baggage to find a boyfriend. Will she die alone? A young lady has started therapy but isn't sure she likes her new shrink. How do you know it's time to bounce? A young man has gotten his life and now can't understand why others can't get theirs! He kind of resents those folks. Is he right? All this and more on this week's ep. GET YOUR LIFE!

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Direct download: tdb157.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 2:35pm PST

This week my good friend and hilarious comic Sam Tripoli joins. We get deep on life, the state of culture, conspiracy theories and recovery. Sam talks about career and how he's evolved as a person. It's such a great conversation I know you will love him. Check him out on http://www.samtripoli.com.

Direct download: sammp4.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 4:50pm PST

This episode I get deep on some conversations I had with some great minds about these wacky times we live in. We are in the upside down you know....the Puritanical Millennials! Are they ruining everything? A bi possibly zim/zher man/woman writes in to ask how to get his entire life? A 30 year-old recently unemployed woman wants to have a baby now!!! Should she? A woman with a BPD mom wonders if she can handle boundaries vs. no contact. This episode can't get any deeper - that's entertainment! Get your life and try it out. 

Direct download: 155tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 1:14pm PST

This week I share some big news and get super deep after suffering a cold in bed (inferior immune system = weakness) and watch so many great TV shows. The wisdom of Korean Soap Operas and "This is Us". Why is it that the more we want something, the more it eludes us? Also, how to get over your own story and start living in the present! I answer some emails  - a wife is sick and tired of making her husband's sandwiches and wonders if she's being his mom. A young man wonders if he should give up on his dream. A guy writes in with a fetish he's really ashamed of. Should he be? All this and more! Let's get our lives and get super deep, bros. 


Direct download: 154tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:02pm PST

What can we learn from Cardi B? More than you can imagine in this week's episode. The American Success Myth - is it all bad? I answer some emails - can a girlfriend ruin her man's dream of becoming a stand up comedian? What about a coworker who downloads on you constantly? How to get out of that mess? A girl's controlling father still annoys the Sh*t out of her even though she's cut contact. All this and more in this week's ep of TDB. GET YOUR LIFE!

Direct download: 153tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

2018 is in full swing and I've been getting lots of emails about work and changing jobs. What's an actor to do who is turning 30 and is getting laid off from his day job? Another gentleman writes in asking how he can get the self esteem to pursue a job he wants. A girl is feeling lonely dating a guy who works nights. What can she do? Also, I've found a new BBC show to get excited about. Big day! Let's get our lives in this ep. 

Direct download: 152tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

2018! I begin with some observations of wealthy people talking about how money can't buy happiness (bullshit). Taking some big emails today. A woman is co-parenting with her Borderline Ex - what should she do? Also, a man living at home at 26 feels like a loser. Is he? A black woman writes in feeling supremely undesirable. So much deepness, bros. Let's get into it!

Direct download: tdb151.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 2:01pm PST