Where My Moms At ? w/ Christina P.
Christina P. is a comedian and exhausted mother of two young boys. WMMA explores all thing parenting - from colossal mom fails to the quiet rage you feel when your toddler won't nap. Emails, voicemails and video submissions are welcome! wheremymomsat.com WhereMyMomsAt@gmail.com (213) 375-5184

How did the holidays go? Let's recap. Also, the wisdom of Madea. How can Tyler Perry dressed in a woman's costume give so much wisdom? Emails! Relationship advice, career advice and not feeling good enough. So much to get into - Let's get super deep on it, bros!


Direct download: 150tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 10:41am PST

This episode I get deep on some love advice for peeps and feeling proud of your accomplishments. Why do we shrink from being fantastic? It's all here, let's get super deep, bros. 

Direct download: tdb149final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode I took a trip to NY and it got me thinking all kinds of thoughts on this simulation known as reality. How do we find the career we want? How do we pursue the love we want? I answer some emails about this and get super deep, bros! 

Direct download: 148tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode I talk about how the only way to get anywhere is to do stuff you don't feel comfortable doing. How do we do that?? Also, why does every self help guru talk about "doing what you love"? That phrase seems so empty, but I think I can make sense of it. I answer emails - one person wonders if they should quit their horrible job. Another emailer asks if I've ever felt isolated from friends. Also, should a 19 year-old girl with so much going on start a podcast? What if her friends laugh at her? All this and more. Let's get super deep on it all, bros! 

Direct download: tdb147final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This is it - the holidays are upon us...why aren't you thrilled? Because it's too much pressure! The family interaction, gift giving, cooking and the cheer. Oh, the cheer. Here's my 10 step program to surviving the happiest time of the year. I answer an emailer who doesn't know if he can take the rejection of the dating world. Also a woman writes in about how to protect her younger brother from their toxic mother. So much to get deep on, bros. Let's get this started! 

Direct download: tdb146.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

I am thrilled to have Paul Gilmartin of the Mental Illness Happy Hour Podcast on as my guest this week. A friend and comedian, he discusses Covert Incest and how he set boundaries with his mother. This is a must listen episode for anyone wondering if they've suffered any form of sexual abuse. Or if you've wondered how to get out of a terrible relationship with a parent. He's incredibly insightful and funny and one of my favorite people. Get your life and listen now! 

Direct download: tdbpaul.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode I get super deep on removing yourself from dysfunctional family dynamics. What goes into getting out and how do we maintain those boundaries? An emailer writes in about her Narcissistic dad trying to get back into her life. What should she do? A young lady writes in about having trouble getting motivated. She has the dream, but how to get into DOING? How does she get over the low self esteem that is  holding her back? Let's get our lives and get super deep on this one, bros!

Direct download: 144tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

In this episode I get deep on relief vs. joy and not feeling good enough. Also, why do we get scared going into new goals and experiences? An emailer asks if he should have children because he is freaked out over not being good enough. A friend of the podcast writes in asking if he should take his dream job. An artist writes in asking how to monetize his business. It's all about not feeling good enough. Get your life! Let's feel good about ourselves.

Direct download: tdb143.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode I have comedian Kelly Mclane in studio discussing the sudden death of her brother two years ago. We discuss complicated grieving - when the relationship with the deceased may not have been ideal. We get super deep on spirituality and life and all of it. GET YOUR LIFE!!

Direct download: tdbkelly.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

A sweet millennial writes in asking how someone gets out the boxes society puts you in. This episode is all about that. Why do we sometimes live small and how do we get into taking up some goddamn space? How do we recognize society's rules then get ourselves out of the Matrix? A woman who wants to pursue her Master's degree in Social Works wonders if her school choice is a reflection of her wanting to please others or herself? We get into external validation. A young woman has a 22-year old friend who has been hitting the booze hard lately. Should she say something? It's all here, bros. Let's get deep and GET YOUR LIFE!

Direct download: tdb141.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Mommy P gets say deep on it the day her Netflix Special drops. Existence, meaning, purpose, winners and losers - all of it. I answer some emails - should a guy who got his life and got clean from drugs keep his old friends? A boo boo writes in saying he lost 100 pounds but still feels unloveable. What's going on? A lady writes in worried about why she isn't sexually attracted to her hubby. Should she bounce? It's all here, bros. Let's get our lives! 

Direct download: tdb140.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

In this special two part series. Alison Rosen joins me for That's Deep Bro for the first hour this week. Then next week, we continue our discussion on Alison Rosen is Your New Best Friend. We get super deep on motherhood, identity and finding validation from the inside out. She is an amazing human I know you will love this podcast!

Direct download: tdb139rosen.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This week I have Comedian Josh Potter who has just moved to LA from Buffalo. He's right in the thick of some major life changes and was kind enough to share his hopes, fears, anxieties and insights on his journey. It's an exciting time in someone's life when they take the leap. Here's a look at what it's like to be in the eye of the storm! 

Direct download: tdb138.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

In this episode I talk about that annoying thing people say about having all the answers inside of you. What does that even mean? My joy at finding a dead rat. Lessons from toddler class. Listener emails - A young woman writes in asking if she should leave her long time boyfriend. A young man is highly skeptical of therapy. Does he have a right to be? A woman writes in confessing she may not want children or to own property - what's wrong with her?!? All this, get your life, bros!

Direct download: 137final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode I get super deep on failure and taking the leap into a creative career. A 35 year-old man writes in asking how to cope with a failed wrestling career. A 19 year-old boo boo asks if he should quit his day job to pursue music full time. How do we know when it's time to throw in the towel or take a leap of faith? Also, family issues! Nieces, nephews and how to visit them when their parents are horrible. This episode is so deep you will love it, bros!  


Direct download: tdb136.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

A topic I seldom discuss - happiness! I came back from my vacation and had so many epiphanies about the nature of joy and why we may be afraid to feel it. Also, some deep ass emails from listeners - a girl is in a class with her rapist. What should she do? A woman wonders how she will ever trust men again. A 24 year old used to be an 8 and is now a 5 and is bummed about it. Does that make her shallow? Mommy P goes off the deep end philosophically, tangentially on this one! You won't wanna miss. 

Direct download: 135tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Once again Sesame Street's wisdom has blown me away. I explore Carl Jung's dark side and talk about what we can do while we are in "the shit". What do you do when everything goes wrong and it is a tornado of diarrhea? A 21 year-old girl writes in and wonders if she has ruined her life because she has her career together already? Also, an update from frumpy mom - she went shopping! Are there upsides to anxiety and depression? Let's get on it, bros. 

Direct download: 134FINAL.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 9:50am PST

I realize I've been saying "get your life" for ages now, but what is the actual philosophy behind that phrase? You're about to find out. I answer listener emails - a young boo boo wants to work on a cruise ship but feels guilty about leaving her BF behind. A pregnant lady wishes she had a cool mom to help her out. A dude writes in about ep 123 and not forcing a kid to learn to swim. And a bananas Jerry Springer family drama email for the ages! It's alllll here, bros! 

Direct download: 133tdbfnal.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode I talk about surrendering to what is - taking a dump with a toddler on your lap and buying an Otter Box. I also talk about the taboos of motherhood - miscarriages, pregnancy sex and telling the in-laws to shut it! A young man writes in about how to stop wanting his father's approval. Let's get super deeeeeeeep on it, bros. 


Direct download: 132foreal.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

A listener wrote in asking why nobody talks about the in between times - the place in the marathon where one just runs. So this episode is all about the in between. A newly pregnant woman writes in about having non-thrilled emotions about being pregnant. Is she not meant to be a mother? Should a young lady travel alone? A man wants to make a career change but was told when he was young that he wasn't good at school. How should he get his life? And a mom confesses she is guilty of "shutting it down" wear. How does she incorporate some fashion into her busy life? All this and more - let's get DEEEEEEEP!

Direct download: 131tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode I get deep on Bukowski's tombstone, where it is written "Don't Try". What does this mean? Should we be seduced into a life of drunken sloth? Or is this a more Yoda-like message? Also, the big secret to marital bliss! I answer emails - a young man feels regret, how to get over this? A married man writes in about a spat he had with this wife. Should he confront her? It's all here bros, let's get super deep on it!

Direct download: 130tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode I answer emails about body issues. It's summer time and the fatness comes out to play! How can we deal with hating our bodies? And isn't everyone beautiful in their own special way??? The power went out in my neighborhood and chaos ensued. Also, how can we deal with the fear of failure? I have an idea or two! 

Direct download: 129tdbfinal.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

In this episode I get deeper into codependency and control - all the fun stuff like what if you don't have to react to things right away? How obsessing never helps and boundaries in general are good things. Reading a book about it called "Codependency No More". Also, my latest analysis of Molly Sims' Youtube page - FYI she's way better at Momming than I am.  Who the fuck is updating their "story" on Instagram constantly?! More lessons from social media. I answer an emailer who wants to hang with her ex - should she? Another lady is depressed despite keeping a structured daily routine - should she take anti-depressants? My first emailer from Manila writes in about how to get her life in the Philippines. 

Direct download: ep128tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode I discuss the good, bad and ugly people who come into your life. What can we learn from all of them? Also, talkin' about practice - Malcom Gladwell's 10,000 hours of it. Dostoevsky's Inertia and why the self help movement will make you crazy. How Feminism and any "ism" can create a victim mentality. An emailer writes in asking how she can accept help from others after growing up in a home where love was conditional. Boundaries - what are they and how to maintain them! Your life will get soooo gotten after this one. 


Direct download: 127tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This week I explore codependency. I've always thought it was a thing only Alcoholics dealt with, but it's so much more! 15 Signs you may be a codependent (a list I found on the internet). Samantha writes in asking for advice - her internship is killing her and her relationship. What should she do? A depressed college student doesn't know how to ask for help. We get our lives on this episode in a very deep way, bros! 

Direct download: 126tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

I bought a pair of ankle socks after a lifetime of suffering sockless in Vans. It lead to an epiphany of how much we let ourselves have the "good stuff" - socks, friendship, leisure time, love, money, success, health - all of it. What separates those who believe they deserve the good stuff from the rest of us? The Great British Baking show again reveals powerful Buddhist lessons. An emailer writes in saying he's lost 90 pounds, but why does he still feel crappy inside? A newly single man writes in for dating advice. A 22 year-old boo boo millennial is filled with anxiety about what her next step should be! How can we all GET OUR LIVES!?!?! I will show you! xoxo 

Direct download: tdb125final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode I sneak off to record as my in-laws visit. How do we know if we are upset about something that happened today vs something that happened ages ago? Something tells me staying up all night obsessing over it is an indicator...We saw a lady with enormous hangers at dinner. Should she wear a bra????? Am I a sexist pig for demanding it? I answer emails - how do you know you've found the right therapist? How does one deal with anxiety? Should I send my kid to Catholic School even though I'm not Catholic? All this and more, GET YOUR LIFE!

Direct download: 124part2final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This week I reflect on Paul Gilmartin's podcast, Mental Illness Happy Hour Episode 330. He has a therapist on and they discuss co-dependency and the importance of feelings. How do parents mess you up by not letting you have feelings? You're about to find out! Also how do you learn to have feelings after you've spent years accommodating others? Could this be the importance of therapy? How we see reality thru our own perception goggles and living in the past vs now.  I answer emails from a woman who wonders if she has to teach her kid to swim even though he's terrified of water. A woman is in a sexless relationship. Jena calls in and we discuss her Mormon upbringing and how she escaped! 

Direct download: 132tdbfinal.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This week during a romantic getaway with the husband, I had a pretty mind-blowing epiphany. I discuss why the idea of  closure is total 1980's bullshit psychology. Why the show Better Call Saul is really about embracing your inner piece of shit. Each week I get countless emails from Millennials who struggle with inter-personal communication. It's no wonder why - your parents have raised you to be terrified of everything.  You've been over-parented into feeling hopeless about making friends. This episode I'll teach you how to talk to strangers. Also, I discuss my own emetephobia (fear of vomiting). This episode has so much deepness, I could barf! J/K NEVER!!

Direct download: 122tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

How is Rick Ross tied to Marxism? You're about to find out! Also self care. It's a phrase my therapist has used over the years and in this episode I let you in on what I think it means. An emailer writes in about a potential stalker, how should she dump him? Also how does an attractive 23 year-old girl find a date when dudes don't approach her in public? A woman emails  asking if her boyfriend is being a controlling jerk (answer: yes). I reiterate the ways you know you have a toxic parent and in this episode we find out how to deal with them.

Direct download: tdb121.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Poor in friends, ladies and money....The isolation of cars and social media.  How the hell do people date in this era of dating apps? How do Millennials make friends? Update from my Next Door App - what are my neighbors concerned with this week? Has to do with a homeless man and his "undercarriage" living behind the bank. My history with seeing homeless men's penises in public. The heartbreak of a broken iPhone screen and the horrors of the Apple store. A young gentleman writes in asking why he gets "friend zoned" with the ladies. Also, "why do people love free stuff so much?" asks another guy. Poverty consciousness and getting over that shit so you can have a great life. 

Direct download: tdb120.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

I watched 13 Reasons Why and loved it almost as much as my beloved BH90210.  High school sucks donkey dicks and in this episode I uncover why. The compelling reasons to attend college (to become interesting and drink Zima). My favorite new British Baking Show contestant and the deepness of her victory. It's not just about avoiding a soggy bottom! Why you can't necessarily DO everything. I mean you can, just not perfectly. How do we make peace with doing things imperfectly. Also, what are our limits and who defines them? A 34 year-old single woman writes in feeling the panic of her biological clock ticking away. She's newly single and wants to find her forever jeans! The horrors of modern-day dating. A Mormon girl writes in and asks how she can get over her competitiveness. She hates games! It may have something to do with approval seeking...and the good opinion of others...The book I recommend is by Wayne Dyer, Your Erroneous Zones.

Direct download: tdb119final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

I accidentally downloaded a Christian audio book but still managed to glean some wisdom about perfectionism before the endless bible quotes sent me running. Why is everyone else seemingly doing "it" right but me? I have a theory. All the great psychological truths are in Sesame Street.  I grew up in an era where girls were told they could be secretaries or hairdressers - how does one transcend societal norms?! An emailer asks if it's possible that he's already gotten his life at just 24 years old?  An overweight bro asks how to lose weight. I divulge my foolproof post-baby French methods. Such a big episode, let's get it alllllll, bros! 

Direct download: tdb118final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 2:52pm PST

This episode I discuss the myth of "shy actors" and why that's just code for being anti-social. Also, after a viewing of the film "Reality Bites" it occurs to me how insanely different life was in a pre-panopticon existence (fancy word). An emailer writes in asking how she can overcome her anxiety and irrational fears about quitting her job. Will she ever find another job ever again?!? A man writes in asking how to deal with his demanding mother. "Mummy, may I live my life?" And a woman addicted to a stressful job wants to know how to let go. It's allllll here and it's all so deep. Let's get our lives in this episode! 

Direct download: 117tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode I uncover the difference between detachment vs non-attachment. How does one stay aloof like Jackie O while getting shit done? To care and not care at the same time is THE skill to master. Tom Segura stops in for an impromptu discussion on non attachment and stage fright. The myth and legend of the White Duke of Malibu. Also, a young man writes in asking if he should let the ladies know he is almost a virgin. Also, how does one deal with performance anxiety (it's not sexual!)? Get your life and you will find it all out. 


Direct download: 116tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Still reeling from the results of the Great British Baking show, I discuss my favorite baker, Ruby. Why do I love her self-deprecation so much? It's so English! Also, the magic of puttering and finding a parking spot. What type of faith does one need to find ample parking? An emailer writes in about the imminent release of her abusive stepfather from prison. What should she do? You may not have a parent in prison, but what about a toxic one? How do you know if yours are? I discuss the 9 ways to know. A woman writes in who wants to help her boyfriend get his life. But how??? Also, a list of my fave self help books. Surprise! One is by Dr. Laura - don't hate me...

Direct download: 114tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

A listener emails in - he made it to an Ivy League school but feels like he doesn't deserve to be there. His peers have't been thru the horrific stuff he has and he feels like maybe nobody can relate. I get it, let's get deep on it. Also a woman who practices witchcraft asks if she should come out to the people in her community. Should she be out and proud or hide that shit?? Where do we draw the line on being out on stuff? Also, subversion. What function does it provide in society and when is it just to annoy people? Let's get our entire lives and get deep as F#ck. 

Direct download: tdb113.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:32pm PST

I replaced a crown after being in pain for 5 years. Why the hell did I wait so long? Why does anyone wait so long to make the changes they really want to? How do we get unstuck?  Marianne Williamson has a great suggestion. Also, a man gave me free tacos and I almost cried. There are kind people in LA! Sesame Street blew my mind this week with the word of the day - "Unique". 

Direct download: tdb115.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This past week I had a flat tire during rush hour on the 405. What did I do???  It may have involved foraging for stale water bottles and Door Dash. Also, why do people always think other people have it so much worse than them? Being entitled to your story is important. How many Existential Crises are normal within a year and what should you do when shit gets REAL? You'll find out. I answer an email from a good guy who can't seem to get the girl. Why are people disingenuous with others - like the ridiculous Garth Brooks videos oozing praise on the lighting guys? I read responses from people who have worked as psychics! Are they real?  You'll have to get your entire life and find out. 

Direct download: tdb112final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode I discuss the phenomena of over-parenting, narrating every aspect of your child's experience and other people's shitty kids. Also, what is so bad about "starting over"? A friend is on the verge of a major life change but is reluctant because he'd be "starting over". What does that mean and why are we so hell bent on staying the same? Our sense of identity is important, but it can also be holding us back. A woman emails about her annoyance with writer Elizabeth Gilbert's recent news of becoming a lesbian. Why would someone suddenly turn gay at 40? Also what wisdom can be gleaned from the film "Mona Lisa Smile". You're about to find out and get your life. 

Direct download: ep111finaltdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

After months of confusion I've finally spoken to an actual non-binary person! Freddie gave some insight into what being non-binary means and why it's so confusing for people to understand.  I finally get to ask all my burning questions - like is it appropriate to ask a stranger "Hey, what's your pronoun?" Also, why it's horrible to call employees "Team Members" (barf). It's all here, so get your life! 

Direct download: ep110.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

After fulfilling a decade long dream of learning Transcendental Meditation, I do a very unenlightened thing and eat at Tony Roma's. Is all of Tony Roma's food frozen? It might be. More thoughts on The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F#ck.  A lovely Canadian man writes in about a long distance love that may be dwindling. Should he still get a visa to be with her? Also, why was a 4 ft tall guy wearing nothing but purple and high heels able to convince us he was a sex symbol? All this and more - GET YOUR LIFE! 

Direct download: 109final.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

In this episode I cover the book "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck" by Mark Manson and the paradoxical Backwards Law. How is it that the less we give a shit, the better we do at something? I explore all this and more, so get your life and get super deep on it, bros. 

Direct download: 108tdbfinal.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This is it - a big list of things I believe keep a marriage happy and thriving. Does it involve shutting the fuck up sometimes? Maybe. And what about the biggies - sex, money and laundry? It's all here in this episode. After being with the same dude for 12 years, this is what I have learned. Just for YOU. Get super deep on it, bros and get your life! 

Direct download: tdb107.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Versailles, Victoria and the Crown. My current obsession with royalty and why it's all bullshit. Why do I do things I hate to myself over and over? My Starbucks Revelation! The wonderful emotional benefits of Botox. Also, listener emails! More horrible corporate speak - doubleplus good! Circle back! What are male daddy issues? 6 ways to know you are a man with daddy issues. A lesbian writes in and wants to know how she should propose to her lady - and how should she contend with tradition? A woman wants to take a trip but her fiance doesn't want her to go. How much compromise is necessary in a relationship? Let's get so deep on it, bros.


Direct download: tdb106.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

The 24 hour work cycle has become the worshipped paradigm for Americans. Crush it! Never Stop! But is it really the way to go? Also, I discuss ambivalence and how it can change your life! Did you know you can simultaneously love and hate something at the same time?! My shrink taught me all about that. The Mommy Myth and how it has made American Mothers feel like shit. Also some listener emails - one gal wants to get her life, but is afraid of being by herself. Why does she get freaked out when she's not doing something? A man has BBD syndrome (Bigger, Better Deal) with women. What's going on here and how can he get his love life? 

Direct download: 105tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

My husband won the weight loss challenge. Well, technically both Tom AND Bert won. What motivates someone to make a change? I think shame and self loathing are wonderful motivators! I had an epiphany about social media - I finally GET IT! Cameron Dallas is adorable and a millionaire and now I KNOW WHY! I answer emails - one man is a 30 year-old sociopath virgin who needs to get his life. Shitbag parents who call once a year to borrow money. What should you do?  Let's get all deep and change it all this year, BROS.  

Direct download: 104_tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode I get deep on a talk given by Alan Watts. He references Carl Jung and his "Element of Irreducible Rascality" - meaning Jung was a fully integrated deep ass bro who accepted all parts of his emotional world. He had a rascally twinkle in his eye because he accepted what was guilty, shameful and anxious in himself. Being someone who has all these feelings, I'd like to know how it's possible to feel all these things and not get all wound up over it. Also, why are people rude to wait staff? Jung may have some insight into that as well. Let's get deeeeeeep on it, bros. 


Direct download: 103_tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST