Where My Moms At ? w/ Christina P.
Christina P. is a comedian and exhausted mother of two young boys. WMMA explores all thing parenting - from colossal mom fails to the quiet rage you feel when your toddler won't nap. Emails, voicemails and video submissions are welcome! wheremymomsat.com WhereMyMomsAt@gmail.com (213) 375-5184

This is it - a big list of things I believe keep a marriage happy and thriving. Does it involve shutting the fuck up sometimes? Maybe. And what about the biggies - sex, money and laundry? It's all here in this episode. After being with the same dude for 12 years, this is what I have learned. Just for YOU. Get super deep on it, bros and get your life! 

Direct download: tdb107.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Versailles, Victoria and the Crown. My current obsession with royalty and why it's all bullshit. Why do I do things I hate to myself over and over? My Starbucks Revelation! The wonderful emotional benefits of Botox. Also, listener emails! More horrible corporate speak - doubleplus good! Circle back! What are male daddy issues? 6 ways to know you are a man with daddy issues. A lesbian writes in and wants to know how she should propose to her lady - and how should she contend with tradition? A woman wants to take a trip but her fiance doesn't want her to go. How much compromise is necessary in a relationship? Let's get so deep on it, bros.


Direct download: tdb106.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

The 24 hour work cycle has become the worshipped paradigm for Americans. Crush it! Never Stop! But is it really the way to go? Also, I discuss ambivalence and how it can change your life! Did you know you can simultaneously love and hate something at the same time?! My shrink taught me all about that. The Mommy Myth and how it has made American Mothers feel like shit. Also some listener emails - one gal wants to get her life, but is afraid of being by herself. Why does she get freaked out when she's not doing something? A man has BBD syndrome (Bigger, Better Deal) with women. What's going on here and how can he get his love life? 

Direct download: 105tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

My husband won the weight loss challenge. Well, technically both Tom AND Bert won. What motivates someone to make a change? I think shame and self loathing are wonderful motivators! I had an epiphany about social media - I finally GET IT! Cameron Dallas is adorable and a millionaire and now I KNOW WHY! I answer emails - one man is a 30 year-old sociopath virgin who needs to get his life. Shitbag parents who call once a year to borrow money. What should you do?  Let's get all deep and change it all this year, BROS.  

Direct download: 104_tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This episode I get deep on a talk given by Alan Watts. He references Carl Jung and his "Element of Irreducible Rascality" - meaning Jung was a fully integrated deep ass bro who accepted all parts of his emotional world. He had a rascally twinkle in his eye because he accepted what was guilty, shameful and anxious in himself. Being someone who has all these feelings, I'd like to know how it's possible to feel all these things and not get all wound up over it. Also, why are people rude to wait staff? Jung may have some insight into that as well. Let's get deeeeeeep on it, bros. 


Direct download: 103_tdb.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00am PST